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Apache Hadoop

10 Articles
Soumen Chandra
12 min read Min Read
You are not so strong with SQL or you are not good at programming? And you need to create distributed scalable search on a very large dataset stored in HBase? And you need to achieve NRT (Near Real Time) indexing? Cloudera search along with Lily Hbase Indexer is there to...
Soumen Chandra
3 min read Min Read
My learning phase with Hadoop is still continuing. During this phase what I found is a great lack of a comprehensive POC which covers at least a few prominent Hadoop technologies. My POC can fill up that void. After having set up CDH4.7 in my laptop, I completed implementation...
10 min read Min Read
Apache Hadoop Development Tools (HDT) is still in development phase. So, no official distribution of Hadoop 2.2.0 Eclipse Plugin is available now. But we can build the same using winghc/hadoop2x-eclipse-plugin. In this post, we'll build, install and configure the plugin with the Eclipse or any Eclipse based...
7 min read Min Read
If you are getting "Exception from container-launch:org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ExitCodeException" in FAILED application's Diagnostics (or Command prompt) and "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/service/CompositeService" in 'stderr' containerlogs while running any Hadoop example on Windows, then add all the required Hadoop jars to the property 'yarn....
4 min read Min Read
In this post, we'll use HDFS command 'bin\hdfs dfs' with different options like mkdir, copyFromLocal, cat, ls and finally run the wordcount MapReduce job provided in %HADOOP_HOME%\share\hadoop\mapreduce\hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.2.0.jar. On successful execution of the job in the Single Node (pseudo-distributed mode) cluster, an...