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5 Articles
2 min read Min Read
In the previous post on Build, Install, Configure and Run Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 in Microsoft Windows OS, many people have encountered Maven build failure issue ("[ERROR] class file for org.mortbay.component.AbstractLifeCycle not found") for Apache Hadoop Auth project. So thought of sharing the fix as a...
3 min read Min Read
Many websites use URL redirection technique to forward the original request from one location to another several times for different reasons (Domain forwarding, URL shortening, Privacy protection, Maintaining similar domain names referring single website, etc.). In this post, I'll try to demonstrate how to get all the redirections of a...
11 min read Min Read
Good news for Hadoop developers who want to use Microsoft Windows OS for their development activities. Finally Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 release officially supports for running Hadoop on Microsoft Windows as well. But the bin distribution of Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 release does not contain some windows native...